Wednesday 3 December 2014

Study Task 5 - Essay Plan

I have decided to go ahead and create an essay plan for the posters theme, as I can re-start the whole thing over christmas if I get a negative response from the group crit. It is going to be more about social and cultural posters though; this included gig and event posters but doesn't limit it down so much, and I can bring in current issues and potentially make a poster for some for my practical piece. My back up themes are the palm oil industry and how it is effecting the environment, or about how the current education system promotes science based subjects over the arts. 

Suggested Essay Titles
1. Are gig posters still relevant to the promotion of music in the modern internet age?

2. Can social and cultural posters communicate issues as effectively  and appropriately as other methods, e.g. an article or debate?

Not a massively pressing issue compared to something like a big environmental issue, but I really like well designed posters and think they do have a massive impact onto how something is portrayed; it can provoke discussion, emotion, thinking and can look really good on a wall. There is something nice and eye catching about a well crafted poster in the modern age where we look at screens a lot of the time. I would like to highlight and encourage the production of posters through this essay. By doing this, it is also promoting the arts in general; the more art that is around and in the public eye, the more will be created off the back of it. Leeds is a great place to be doing research for this theme as well as there are posters plastered over walls everywhere, and people in my own class creating posters for real events I can talk to.

Primary and Secondary Resources
I need to find out where I am getting my research from. Go and do some!

I am going to try and find as much material on this subject as possible; the physical won't be a problem, but articles and research may be a little. There are a few internet articles and blogs floating around, and the gig website and book, but I need to find some proper academic resources. To do this I can look at past dissertations and poster design books in the library, or find some historical posters that were involved in massive social changes and events, e.g. the women's rights posters. 

I have chosen to focus on the social and cultural posters instead of purely gig and events, as I can find more secondary research this way. I have also chosen 'posters' instead of 'propaganda' as the latter can often trail into stuff about Nazis and super pressing issues; I still want to include posters created for little events, such as a free pub gig, and focus on the art and production side rather than the historical for the main bulk of the essay.

Essay Plan

300-400 words
Highlight what my theme is, and what I would like to achieve by researching and writing about it; what knowledge I want to gain through it.

Main Body:
1500 words
Argue how powerful a poster is in communicating a theme or opinion versus other methods, e.g. writing or debate, "A picture is worth a thousand words". Reflect on historical events and how posters have been used within them (need to find out which ones). Bring in aspects about how fitting a poster is for what it is communicating, and how effectively it has been designed. Talk about how it is important for us to have posters around us in the modern age, where a lot of what we look at is screens and the impact they have on displaying art and illustration in the public. I will include sources from the three websites I have found so far, and find some research from books (might have to be propaganda based kind of stuff if I can't find much). 

Visual Examples:
700-800 words

  • One gig/event poster, preferably from around Leeds so I can do lots of research.
  • One historical poster that famously had a social effect.
  • One poster dealing with current issues by a current illustrator. 
Compare them all as a set, by what they have been created for and the historical context behind them. When, where, why and how were they made? (Write about them as I did for the visual discourse task, but better).

300-400 words
Sum up what I have found out; simplify points I have covered and pick out the findings. 

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