Thursday 7 January 2016

Cop Lecture 6 - The Gaze

I did not like this lecture, which I didn't expect as I had heard quite a lot about it from other courses who had already had it. I just really don't like psychoanalysis and other things along that kind of line; it's all just weird and creepy theory and although I know it's important, I definitely don't want to write 3000 words on it. 

The Gaze in Film and Art

  • Look - perceptual mode open to all.
  • gaze - specific instance of looking.
  • Gaze - (capital G) process of looking; whole web of relationships. Gives structure and stability to illusions and fantasies of the self and other. 
  • Jacques Lacan was involved in this too.
  • Film - the viewer/screen relationship becomes important.
  • Cinema - a place that can give imaginary unity, makes people feel like they are back in the womb (really?!)
  • FILM EXAMPLES: "Vertigo"  for an old example and "Carol" for a new example.
  • ART EXAMPLES: Manet's "Olympia" (1863) and Morimura's "Futago" (1990).

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