Wednesday 15 October 2014

Choosing my keyword

I am going to focus on the theme of society for my Context of Practice module, as I think it gives me the biggest selection of topics to choose from (history and culture can sort of fall within society itself). I am most interested in people, and since people make up societies, it seems the wisest choice to make. 

At the moment, I am thinking of looking into something along the lines of poster advertising (relating back to the gig poster design book in my last post) and how design can affect the power of the advert. Posters with really eye catching designs and with loads of effort put in are just so much more attractive, and probably attract a certain audience over others who may not be so visually interested. The pictures I have included below make the event seem like more of a one off thing (even if it's not) because they have a one off design. They also make it more of an art piece rather than just an advert. 


I am also interested in how currently maths and science subjects are being regarded much more highly over arts subjects in schools. It really annoyed me when my friends and I were looking into what to do next after sixth form and realising that some universities didn't take art as a qualifying subject, and how teachers constantly tell  younger students that you have to take an academic subject like biology to get anywhere in the future. People don't seem to realise how important the arts are within society; look around any city or town and you can see that art and design makes up a massive part of British culture. However, I need to do some research and find out if this was just the attitude in my schools and where I grew up or if it was the whole country before I take it any further.

Posters by Dan Stiles (Arctic Monkeys, 2014) and John Biddle (Sleighbells, 2010)

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