Friday 24 April 2015

Pecha Kucha Slides and Feedback

Feedback from the presentation

1. People seemed to find it funny and not boring, which was my primary concern, so hooray!
2. Relevant to todays issues.
3. Good reference to other practitioners work and contextual stuff.
4. Good drawings, even if they are rough; exploring ideas. Images are interesting!

1. Is it too obvious, like the stuff we laugh about on a day to day basis? I have to find a way of making it new, or how to really get a concept across. What am I trying to say?
2. Not narrowed down quite enough; I need to decide which idea I am going to focus on and take forward. Stop waffling!
3. Keep it simple; don't overwork it.

THE FIRST THREE: My favourite examples of gig posters that I came across during my research. Briefly explain my intent/what I found out in essay and why it is interesting. 
MAP OF UNDERSTANDING: How I further broke down my essay, favourite bits and how I split each bit into one of two categories; either POSTERS or DIGITAL (I said internet but same thing.)

THE DIGITAL FOUR: Finding examples of illustrators who have done pieces on the Digital age, and explaining why they are relevant to my essay/how I want to use them for inspiration.

MY OWN DRAWINGS FROM SKETCHBOOK: Exploring ideas, drawing things like awkward places to ask for wifi passwords, diagnosing yourself on the internet, old people trying to catch up with the new technology e.g. iPads, physical and social repercussions. Why I am tasking the comical route and how I think this could work in a visual diagram.

COMPOSITION IDEAS: Pretty rough, but the kind of thing I have in my head; filling the space with ideas that I have come up with. 

Thursday 16 April 2015

Change in direction for presentation!

After my further research and consideration, I have decided to focus on the digital and internet side of this project for the presentation and final piece, rather than posters. This will give me more to talk about, more academic sources to find for the rest of my essay and more things to visualise into drawings for the poster. 

I still want to design it like the posters I looked at in the last post, so the two themes don't become too disconnected, and to help me keep it nice and simple but informative looking. I still want to screenprint it. 

Take the comedic approach to the poster, or the serious?

Serious - like the informative posters you get in doctors surgeries about smoking or diabetes, but instead cold hard facts about how we use the internet nowadays and what direction this could possibly take us in. Probably a bit boring?!

Comedic - Laugh at what we have become due to the internet and exaggerate it. Things we are all guilty of on the internet, things we do digitally now instead of how we used to do it. 
Things to include:
Reading - E-books (what's a book/bookshop?!)
Networking - getting a handwritten letter in the post being an overly exciting and rare occasion
Exercising -  sitting on sofa and waving wrist at Wii
Phones - people get dents on their fingers from holding their Iphones too much instead of writing bumps now
Researching information - self diagnosing on internet and thinking your are dying, believing anything you read, searching cat videos all day instead of doing what you are meant to be doing. 
Physical problems - regression back to monkey posture because of sitting at computers for too long every day, eye strain, computer wrist (tendonitis) instead on tennis elbow, getting fat from relying on digital things to do stuff for us.

  • Take it even further and reflect on what relying on digital could do to us in the future; are we to become like the humans in WallE?! Babies and children can't write, but they can prod a screen perfectly easily, so why learn to hold a pen?! Could this actually ever happen, or are we freaking out about the new, as people have done many times in the past about new steps and technology e.g. Walter Benjamin and film?
  • Caricature; can I even do this?! Will have to try. 
I want my poster to be engaging and informative!

Thursday 9 April 2015

FromUpNorth; Posters

These are some more recent gig posters I like from For my final practical piece I am thinking of doing a gig poster type visual diagram involving some of the drawings in my sketchbook; a sort of visual brain explosion of all the things I have been thinking about (that are relevant). I am currently thinking I want to screenprint the final, as it will look finished and professional, and also stays in line with the theme as many limited edition gig posters are produced in screenprint. 

I really like the layout of the Dave Matthews Band poster; it's a good example of how visual elements and information can be organised and kept fairly simple. I could organise and overlay my drawings in a similar sort of way. I also want to have a combination of image and type as these gig posters all have.