Friday 24 April 2015

Pecha Kucha Slides and Feedback

Feedback from the presentation

1. People seemed to find it funny and not boring, which was my primary concern, so hooray!
2. Relevant to todays issues.
3. Good reference to other practitioners work and contextual stuff.
4. Good drawings, even if they are rough; exploring ideas. Images are interesting!

1. Is it too obvious, like the stuff we laugh about on a day to day basis? I have to find a way of making it new, or how to really get a concept across. What am I trying to say?
2. Not narrowed down quite enough; I need to decide which idea I am going to focus on and take forward. Stop waffling!
3. Keep it simple; don't overwork it.

THE FIRST THREE: My favourite examples of gig posters that I came across during my research. Briefly explain my intent/what I found out in essay and why it is interesting. 
MAP OF UNDERSTANDING: How I further broke down my essay, favourite bits and how I split each bit into one of two categories; either POSTERS or DIGITAL (I said internet but same thing.)

THE DIGITAL FOUR: Finding examples of illustrators who have done pieces on the Digital age, and explaining why they are relevant to my essay/how I want to use them for inspiration.

MY OWN DRAWINGS FROM SKETCHBOOK: Exploring ideas, drawing things like awkward places to ask for wifi passwords, diagnosing yourself on the internet, old people trying to catch up with the new technology e.g. iPads, physical and social repercussions. Why I am tasking the comical route and how I think this could work in a visual diagram.

COMPOSITION IDEAS: Pretty rough, but the kind of thing I have in my head; filling the space with ideas that I have come up with. 

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