Wednesday 6 May 2015

OUIL401 End of Module Evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I feel as if my ability to research and collect relevant information to put into a project has improved; I now understand where to find academic resources, and what research would be useful, rather than just finding loads and using it all without having a focal point. Before, I would just research and find anything that would be of even slight use - the essay required us to dig properly and narrow down what would be applicable and informative. I feel like I have applied these fairly well, but it took a while to understand what would be useful and not just create a essay full of irrelevant research that rambles. I have also learned how to properly Harvard reference, a tool that will no doubt be useful in the future.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your practical outcomes?

After scouring the internet for useful material for a while, I found that online journals and newspapers are very useful for research, as they are often opinionated and gave something to oppose or agree with in the essay. I also enjoyed going to the library and finding academic papers and books that could possibly relate to my chosen subject; I found some really useful and interesting writing that then further shaped my ideas and made me question what I was writing about even more. Research has been undeniably important in this module, not just for the essay but for the visual diagram, where I was inspired by other pieces and illustrations that I wouldn't have found otherwise.

3. What strengths can you identify within your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I feel I have been able to look at another practitioners work and successfully analyse it, from referencing its purpose to  how effectively it has been made and how successful it has been as a result. This is important as it has furthered my ability to be able to break down my own work, think about what it is saying and how I can help it communicate. I also feel  that my visual diagram is relevant to my research and does communicate an idea, something I have struggled with in the past, and it is probably due to the amount of research behind it. I will continue to research more to inform other projects and hopefully they will have the same outcome.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

Looking at my work, I feel as if the concept for my visual diagram was initially a bit vague and I struggled to narrow it down to something informative and interesting. Although I am pleased with it now, it could definitely have much more to say. I also found it very hard to work out how I was going to turn my essay into something visual, and I think this contributed to why the transition was a bit all over the place. Next time I want to choose a subject that has lots of obvious paths to go down with lots of research behind it and hopefully I will be able to create a volume of work that has much more to give. I want to give people something to think about with CoP, not just spell out what we already know, which might be all I have done.

5. Identify 5 things that you feel will benefit you during next year's context of practice module?

1. Not to put this module to this side and leave everything to last minute; just because it is drawn out does not mean it is ok to leave it! This will hopefully mean I am more interested in what I am doing.

2. Blog more often; I found it hard to understand what to blog for this module, as I thought it would all be repetitive, but now I understand that seeing my thoughts written down can unscramble my head when I get stuck for ideas.

3. Find a subject that I am really, really interested in; this year I picked something and just thought 'yeah, that'll do' - not a good idea for motivation at the end of the year. I want to write about something I feel really passionate about and I think it will come across more in my work too if I am.

4. Talk to tutors and peers if I become overwhelmed and stuck; this has been the hardest module to make sense of and I think talking to people would help me realise what I am trying to do myself much earlier on in the year.

5. If I read anything interesting, make a note of it; you never know if it could come in useful later on when looking for references or inspiration.

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