Friday 30 October 2015

Task 3: Establishing a Research Question

I find it very hard to pull an idea out of thin air to start working on (which is what it feels like we are being asked to do); this is what I really struggled with last year in COP. I need to research around the themes of Culture/Social before I can even think about forming a question. So for now, I am going to collect together sub-themes I am interested in, expand them and decide which one I want to research into. 

At the moment I am liking the idea of researching into the differences between the North and South of the UK, if they actually exist, the political and economic history behind it and why the stigma still exists in the younger generations. Being a Southerner at a Northern university, I never used to think there was that much of a difference between the North and South, apart from slightly cheaper pints. Since coming it has opened up my eyes that people really do believe there is a massive cultural and social difference, something I never believed in myself but I am interested in why this has arisen. I've been told a couple of times since coming things like "I never thought I'd like a Southerner", which I suppose is a backhanded compliment, but I really do want to know why people would think that and where it has originated. It's not offensive, I just find it really interesting! 

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