Saturday 10 October 2015

Lecture 1 - Research and Epistemology

This lecture did boggle my mind and I had to go away and let it sink in for a bit afterwards. I don't find diagrams very enthralling so it was pretty hard to concentrate and follow. However, I do understand the relevance of what was said and as I sometimes struggle with research it was important!

Things I took away from the lecture:

"Process is more important than outcome".

"Success comes from having brighter ideas closer together".

"Lots of fast possibilities rather than one precious idea".

The more outings I go on, books and blogs I read, galleries I visit and stuff I watch and listen to, the better; ideas will come easier if I am absorbing more. 

Combine systematic, intuitive and stimulated approaches of research to get a really good outcome; get lots of inspiration, then narrow it down and begin to systematically research.

Variety and quantity of ideas is important!

Quantitative research: data, numericals, stats etc.
Qualitative research: beliefs, feelings, opinions, subjective abstract concepts etc. 

You are researching because you want to find out about something new! 

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