Wednesday 28 September 2016

Potential Research Question

"Are creative therapies a better option for enhancing the quality of life of dementia patients than psychoactive drug treatments?"

(19 words)


  • Might be a bit too long
  • Doesn't say anything about the impact of institutional design (does it need to though? Does this get covered in the introduction?)
  • I want to say something about the negative psychological symptoms of dementia (again can I just say this in the introduction?)
  • It needs to say more about having an overall longterm positive impact on enhancing the quality of life; psychoactive drugs may treat the negative symptoms "better" but have the negative effects like added confusion/risk of stroke.
  • Is it a bit vague even though it's quite long?
I struggle every year with forming the actual question for the project, even if I am clear about the idea in my head. I need to speak to a tutor to see what they think and ask for advice on ways it could be improved. 

Other ones I didn't like...

"Is art therapy a viable positive option for increasing the quality of life of dementia patients?"

"Should we be pushing art therapy as life enhancement for dementia patients over psychoactive drugs?"

"Does art therapy have a greater impact on enhancing the quality of life of dementia patients than psychoactive drugs?"

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