Wednesday 28 September 2016

Stuff I need to start thinking about

Ethical approval - if I want to visit any care homes to do any sort of observation/creative workshops (as I am thinking I could do at the moment) I will need to apply for it from the university. What is broadly considered ethically good and do I need to make a plan to prove my research will be safe to carry out? 

Primary research - gathering data; qualitative vs. quantitive, which would be more appropriate? Qualitative would be better for observations and reportage, whereas quantitive would be better for findings to do with therapies (e.g. how many people take part in creative workshops vs. how many are on prescribed drug treatments). 

Images - find images to talk about! Photographs, illustrations, artwork created by dementia patients (potentially as part of a case study?) and whatever else could be relevant.

Practical work! - I sort of forgot we had to do this until now. Start watching documentaries/films and doing observational drawings, as at the moment I have no idea what sort of thing I would want to do for my practical brief. Take a sketchbook round Leeds and draw anything that might be of any use, even if it isn't later down the line. Visit care homes and do observational drawings there (not until ethical approval has been sorted). 

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