Wednesday 5 October 2016

Notes to take from first crit...

Good stuff:

  • Interesting idea
  • Good initial literature search
  • Good ideas for primary research
  • Good ideas for practical brief - screenprint (use COP to develop my skillset as if it were extended practice)
  • Good presentation/pitch
To do:
  • Find theorists and theories - I have lots of case studies and facts but not theory. Look into Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and apply it to what I have been trying to prove/argue.
  • Look into "the writing cure"; a different kind of creative therapy used in the first and second world wars to treat shellshock. Not dementia but could be interesting and potentially relevant!
  • Read the latest issue of Varoom - there is an article on creativity and wellbeing. 
  • How are the elderly seen in other cultures? For example, in asian communities where the elderly are highly respected and looked after by younger members of the family, whereas we lean more towards the 'stick the mad old lady in the corner and forget about her' treatment and of the older generation.
  • Find images!!!!
  • Start drawing!!!
  • Contact Hen Power Project

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