Monday 10 October 2016

World Mental Health Awareness Day

Today is World Mental Health Awareness Day. I didn't actually know it was today until I went online and saw the trending news, but it is good to see it is being acknowledged and brought into everyday conversation. 

Although dementia isn't one of the first conditions that jumps to mind when thinking or talking about mental illness, it is one of the fastest growing and most important ones we should be focusing on due to the ageing population. It is a degenerative disease, different to others like bipolar, so this could be a reason why it is not focused so heavily on. Another factor to consider is the negative symptoms and outcomes of dementia, for example anxiety and depression, which are potentially the most currently focused on mental health problems. It should not be pushed aside and should be talked about as much as other conditions when referencing mental health.*

*Could I bring something to do with this into my essay?

This is an image out of today's Metro Online by Liberty Antonia Sadler. (

I think it is one of the most patronising and sickly (and rubbish) illustrations I have ever seen in my life. Considering it is going to be so widely viewed due to the website it is being showed on I really don't think its going to be effective in the right way. If I had a mental illness this is not at all how I would want the general population (who have little understanding of it anyway) to view it. It literally has a brain with a raincloud over it, hearts and hand holding. Just no. A very bad example of editorial illustration about a sensitive subject. If anything it is making it MORE sensitive!

I'm sorry Liberty Antonia Sadler, it's just not right. 

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