Monday 31 October 2016

Other useful quotes/stuff I could use

"Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution" Peter Kropotkin, 1972, New York University Press, New York). 

"Institutions of mutual support" (when talking about care homes)

"Care Homes and the NHS: The Silent Scandal" Nick Triggle, February 2016, BBC News,, accessed 31.10.16

"While there is close scrutiny of everything from A&E waiting times to access to the latest cancer drugs, the support - or rather lack of it - care home residents receive from the NHS has gone almost unnoticed."

"As care-home residents tend not to live that long once they reach the stage where they need round-the-clock care and given their extreme frailty, the human stories that often grab the attention are not always heard."

"Care home worker jailed for abuse of 89-year-old woman caught on hidden camera" Helen Nugent, August 2012, The Guardian,, accessed 31.10.16

"Bryan, 29, hit and shook Robinson, verbally abused her on a number of occasions and failed to administer proper doses of medicine. Along with her colleague Katherine Wallis, 45, she dragged Robinson across her bedroom floor, making the elderly woman scream in pain. Wallis then threatened her with violence. Abuse spanning five days was captured on the hidden CCTV camera after Robinson's family became concerned about bruises on her body and saw that she was more distressed than usual. She suffers from dementia and had lived at the home for six years."

 "[She was] physically, verbally and medically neglected and abused by staff who should have provided this care."

The Hippocratic Oath
Taken by doctors and other medical professionals before they go onto practice. I've selected various bits that may be relevant to my essay from it...
(, accessed 10.11.16)

"I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow."

"I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug."

"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."

"The Benefits of Creative Therapy for People With Dementia" (Rylatt, P, 2012, Nursing Standard,, accessed 10.11.16)

"The evaluation has emphasised the positive effects of creative or artistic approaches on dementia care, and supports previous research on the use of such approaches in NHS dementia care services. Further research on the immediate and longer-term outcomes and benefits of creative therapy for people with dementia is recommended to support the routine availability of such therapy in dementia care." (pg.1)

"NICE (2006) guidelines for dementia care recommend several arts-based approaches, including the use of multisensory stimulation, such as music and dance, for patients with comorbid agitation and behaviour that challenges." (pg.1)

"Positive benefits of involvement with the arts on mental health, specifically self-esteem, wellbeing, recovery and perception of pain, have been reported" (pg.1) 

"Neurological deterioration in the frontal lobes in Alzheimer’s disease inhibits motivation and self-expression. Arts and creative activities can enable emotional release and provide a means to communicate via creative self-expression in patients with dementia who have affected verbal expression." (pg.3)

"It is recommended that creative therapy is adopted in mainstream care services for patients with dementia, and that biopsychosocial approaches to mental health nursing are adopted by nurse leaders, and underpinned by local creative policies." (pg.6)

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