Monday 3 October 2016

Hen Power Project

This is a video I found summarising what the Hen Power Project and the Equal Arts Charity do, off of the charity website ( 

It's a nice way to see the kind of activities they run for the residents of various homes, and how happy they look taking part! This is similar to the activities and creative workshops I used to run when I worked for Signature.

I want to see if I can volunteer at a local care home in Leeds to do some workshops, which will allow me to get some really good observational drawings and photographs (I know I need to get consent and ethical approval etc. We could do drawing sessions where they draw me and I draw them, so it is interactive and sociable. I also want to take some written observations of how residents behave before, during and after workshops. I could also maybe ask nurses and carers how they usually behave (prone to agitation, enjoy painting regularly etc.) Again, I know I really need to consider ethical standards and find out what is deemed acceptable for the home, residents and family members. My last intention is to agitate anyone further or put people in a position where they feel like they are being 'studied'. 

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