Tuesday 10 January 2017

Final Gifs

The three final gifs. I decided to keep the animation simple, as time is fairly tight now and I didn't want to set myself to big a goal before the deadline. I achieved the animated effect by switching on and off layers, or moving elements slightly in a pattern, saving it each time as a new jpg. - so easy! 

Although the animation is so simple, I think it has it's desired effect on each three of the posters. They have instantly become more eye catching, grabbing the attention of the viewer with the little changes of colour and movements. 

They can act either as web-page banners, or as animated posters on the newer electronic billboards often found in busy shopping and travel hubs. By animating these posters, the campaign has found a way to keep up with advancements in technology and stay young - exactly what I wanted to achieve with a charity supporting the old! If it can stay current and relateable, then there is a higher chance younger generations will want to engage with it. 

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