Tuesday 10 January 2017

Final Screenprinted Versions

The decision to screenprint supports the theme of personal involvement with a creative activity/process. The prints act as a tangible, hand crafted section of the campaign; flyers in different eye catching colours, ready to stick up on walls in public places. The colour overlays were slightly different to that of the Photoshop tests, but I like the slight difference; they are brighter as screenprint. They also feature textures that couldn't be recreated digitally; they are their own independent pieces.

By screenprinting, I feel like I have finally gotten involved with the argument at hand. To see the finished pile of prints was so satisfying. They have such a lovely feel to them, especially when bunched together in multicoloured piles. I can personally recognise Amabiles "small wins" theory myself; it felt like a big win!

None of the prints are technically perfect, with various smudges and blobs of ink where it didn't expose properly or I printed badly. However, I don't really mind. The digital versions act as the 'perfect'' version, so it's good to get something different. That's how the creative process works! Mistakes are made to be learned from. 

I would love to continue screenprinting using shape and colour overlays in future projects. This has definitely expanded my printing skillset, as I now understand how ink overlays work.

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