Tuesday 10 January 2017

Mockups - Putting the images (static and animated) into context

Printed Postcards
Electronic Billboard - moving image
EqualArts Webpage
Printed Poster Ads
Static Billboard
I have created these mockups to try and give a better visual representation of where the poster designs could exist if the campaign was real. The most important of them is public billboards; I feel as if they would receive the widest audience, even more than on the web. Web banners are great, yet a person is more likely to stare at the image if they are waiting for a bus and it's stuck to the bus stop, as neither of them are going anywhere or focusing on anything else important. 

The combination of print and digital platforms gives the posters the widest window of opportunity to be viewed as possible; there are fewer limitations for where they can now be displayed. I especially love the animated billboard version - this is what would catch my eye the most if I was out and about. 

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