Thursday 12 January 2017

Summative Statement

"It is now recognised that for a large number of the elderly, the positive effects of a longer life span have been voided or clouded by the prospect of loneliness, social exclusion and increased vulnerability to physical and psychological abuse. A cultural revolution is necessary in the concept of old age, challenging its degradation as a fiscal burden on the state and younger generations." Silvia Federichi, 2013

My dissertation focuses on the negative effects that current social attitudes towards the elderly population have on the quality of lives, and how this can be challenged using creativity. Western capitalist society disregards the older generations as a nuisance and burden, yet ignores the fact that the ageing population is rapidly increasing and won't go away any time soon. As a result, the quality of their lives is often highly undesireable. Social attitudes need to be changed before the United Kingdom is left with an increasing amount of unhappy and ignored citizens. 

Creative therapies and activities have a positive effect on the older generations lives. They provide productivity, relaxation and purpose. Both dissertation and practical move on to explore various examples of how creativity can challenge this stigma, improve their quality of lives and benefit society for the better. 

The practical project takes form as a proposed campaign for the charity EqualArts, a key case study and part of my primary research. Three A2 digital posters have been created, mocked-up onto various platforms to explain the context of the campaign. Three simple animated versions have also been created. Screenprints of each design have been made to support the themes of the personal creative process and creative responsibility. Design boards display the final brief and outcomes.

This module allowed me to explore screenprinting techniques in depth and help me expand my skillset, as well as working on a more conceptual and thought out brief. It has brought to light my own personal values and shown me the responsibility I have to use my illustrative skills for the better. It has pushed me in ways I never have been before, in terms of research, theoretical understanding, writing, evaluation, time management and organisation (to name a few).

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