Saturday 16 April 2016

Book ideas

I want to pursue the idea of making a concertina book that reads from 'north to south'; it's different to anything I have made before and links in nicely with the essay. I messed around with the idea of having it in the shape of England for a while, but after trying to sort it out into equal sized pages length-wise I've realised some will be way to small to have enough information of them, especially at the top and bottom. I am going to stick with a square format, 15 x 15cm to keep it nice and clean (plus when it's all folded into a square I think it will be a really nice little object to have). 

I have created a rough list of the pages I want to include - 10 different words and the slang for each of them. I realised that lots of the slang I gathered is for pretty uncivilised words or themes, like drunk/high, chav, beaten up, idiot etc; this works PERFECTLY with fitting in with "Britannia Barbara"! Theres also some other great British-y words, like alleyway (Englands full of lots of horrible alleyways) and bread roll, which for some reason always jumps into my head when people talk about Yorkshire (maybe it's because I now know there are about a million different words for it). 

This was a happy accident but it's the route I want to go down - start with the nicer/funnier words and then move towards the more brutal ones in a sort of story order.. the chav lurking down the alleyway gets drunk/high, beats someone up and then gets done by the policeman. 

UPDATE 18/04/16…
I am changing the format to 10 x 10cm… pretty much because I can easily fit two pages onto an A4 sheet and save on printing costs, whereas with 15 x 15cm I would have to size up to A3 sheets (which would cost double). I think the little size will be really nice though; a sort of pocket book of slang!

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