Saturday 23 April 2016

Photoshopped drawings and type

These are my final Photoshopped pages in order (left-right); I am really happy with them! I thought I would struggle a bit with the font choice and arrangement of the words but I really like the simplicity of it. I chose Futura as my font after a recommendation from a classmate and really like the effect. It does sort of remind me of children's book where you learn words upon a theme but with a darker, more humorous edge. It looks straight to the point and communicated what I wanted! The choice of red, white and blue is a good one for backing up the "Britannia" side of the story; I chose a more muted tones as I think it will be easier to view and read, plus it adds a bit of grime. The alteration will help separate the pages and hopefully make it look great as you read it from top to bottom.

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