Tuesday 26 April 2016

Final Book: "Britannia Barbara"

Here are a selection of images to show my final book. I am really happy with the outcome; the heavyweight matte paper works really well with the reds and blues, as well as giving it a nice sturdy structure and clean folds. The concertina moves well and the little size gives it a nice touch; it's sort of like a pocket guide for northern slang! It could also look good hung up down a wall as well as a book. The safety pin was an accidental addition when the belly band was a little too small and wouldn't reach around the back but it looks pretty cool; sort of punk, which in itself is very British. The only downside is that my hand slipped when sticking the hinges and pages together (even though I did it very slowly and carefully) so some of them very slightly don't line up; you could look at it like it adds a nice hand made quality though!

It goes to show that when the effort to do proper research it put in, it makes a massive difference to the final outcome of a project; I had so much material to use and choose the best from. This has also made me enjoy making books slightly more, even though I still think they are a pain to make and probably won't choose them as my final pieces often!

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