Thursday 8 December 2016

Colours - testing overlays

I have decided to use this colour scheme throughout all three screenprinted designs. This decision has come after re-evaluating how possible it would be to create three designs all with separate colour schemes in the time left. It would be doable but just completely daft - setting a task too hard when it could be simpler and have the same effect. It will also help the posters run more effectively as a set, something I believe is important for the campaign to be properly recognisable and have a solid effect.

I tried other schemes, but this is my favourite by far. I tested the overlays using the 'multiply' function on Photoshop, as this is the most accurate way to see how the inks will lay over each other when actually screenprinting. It also gives me access to three more colours!

It is bright, bold, positive and fairly gender neutral when the overlayed colours are considered. It makes for an eye catching campaign and something a little different compared to normal charity adverts!

Other stuff I tried and don't like:
Don't like the yellow/blue overlay
Alright but orange makes sections too dark

Nice but not right for the campaign
Nice but orange feels weird

Save for another project!!!!

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