Thursday 15 December 2016

"The Gardener" final screenprints

These are the four most successful prints out of the stack. Although they are not perfect and the registration slipped on all apart from the white (didn't tighten the screws enough on the print beds!) However, I am really happy with them.

It gives them a much more hand-made and creative feel to them; the whole reason I decided to try screenprinting the posters in the first place, to visually enhance the message I am trying to communicate. I already have the 'perfect' digital version, so it's nice to get something a little different. They also feel really nice in real life to hold - just nice and handmade and much more personal than the digital versions. Screenprinting was definitely a good idea for this project, as it's given it a whole new outlook - like I have finally properly got involved with what I am trying to promote! Doing digital versions felt a bit like creating from a distance. 

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