Wednesday 23 November 2016

Equine Facilitated Human Development - IFEAL

I was sent a link about a new psychotherapy that is still being developed and trying to be brought into mainstream healthcare; it is completely weird, but really interesting. I don't know if I will be able to use it yet, but who knows!

Equine Facilitated Human Development:

  • Non-verbal approach of feedback of how a person is really feeling and thinking
  • Horses are hypersensitive and can read human body language a lot better than we can
  • They will react according to how the person is thinking and feeling
  • People go and chill out with a free-range herd of horses
  • "Horses, when free to choose, will react with 100% engagement when a persons actions, words and thoughts are aligned with authentic feeling" - the horses will respond when the person is being honest about how they are feeling through their actions - not hiding anything?
  • "Working with horses directly enables a person to understand and accept how often unconscious thoughts and feelings get in the way of our actions"
"Returns the person to their original power of the Authentic Self" 
Authentic Self = being yourself, not stifled by fear of judgement

"How To Discover Your Authentic Self And Live The Life You Really Want"

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