Monday 21 November 2016

Santa Forgot - Alzheimer's Research UK

This is an advert that was shown to us today in a session for another module; it's a great example of how dementia (specifically Alzheimer's) awareness can be advertised in a captivating and interesting way. It is emotional, yet not in a way that is really obviously grim and depressing. The storyline has tapped into something we all know and find nostalgic - Santa Claus - and used it to evoke emotion and make you really think about how the disease affects people, and how research could somehow find a cure. Most importantly, it has done it without patronising the subject in question!

Some of the lines from the narration and visual symbols really stood out to me, including...
  • "Someone was missing. Tucked away, and forgotten".
  • "He seemed sad, distant and afraid".
  • "But Freya didn't believe the story ended there".
  • "I believe in you". (Cheesy but relevant)
  • Holding hands
  • On his own; loneliness
IN A NUTSHELL: The little girl didn't want to believe that Santa was over; she still believes he has something to give and that we should still care about him, even though he is suffering from the disease; his legacy lives on and should not be forgotten. Showing him someone cared made the world of difference. 

This is EXACTLY the sort of thing I want to communicate in my posters, and show that people suffering from the disease are still valuable and what they have contributed to society today has not been forgotten.

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