Thursday 24 November 2016

Practical Response - Change of plan


I've known I wanted to make a set of posters, but struggling to come up with a solid theme. I was faffing around with the idea of "You Used To Be...", using older peoples hobbies and careers as an idea (when I go in to meet them at Henpower). This was based on a resident I used to know called Michael, who got very annoyed when people said "you used to be a vet didn't you?"; he is still a qualified vet, just not practising any more, and would get cross and point at his vet certificate on the wall. 

This is an ok idea but i can't get on board with it and hate everything I've drawn so far, which isn't a lot anyway.

NOW I'm thinking I could use the quote "Memory diminishes but imagination remains" that I found on the EqualArts ethos page. I might change "imagination" for "creativity" and create a set of posters, billboard mockups, animated gifs acting as website banners and a rough campaign page for EqualArts, on the importance of having creative sessions for the elderly with dementia. I feel much more excited about this idea and have more visual ideas kicking around my head already without drawing anything (I will start drawing now).

I don't know if I will have to email them and ask permission to do this, as I've already been in contact with them asking questions for research? Will have to check this.

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