Thursday 3 November 2016

Examples of Awareness Posters (and why I don't want to make mine like this)

I googled 'awareness poster adverts" and these were among the first 20 that came up. As pieces of advertising, they are brilliant in terms of communication; they have all managed to deliver a hard hitting point to the viewer really quickly and effectively. This is the sort of thing I need to be aiming for with my illustrations.

However, as most awareness adverts will be addressing grim subjects, most of the posters feature fairly grim and mostly photographic imagery to go with it. They mostly feature muted colour palettes and a lot of black, grey and white. If any have bright colours, it is usually a splash of red on a dull background to signify blood or something similarly horrible. 

This is NOT what I want my final work to look like; I want to try and challenge these adverts by creating colourful illustrations that somehow still communicate a message quickly and effectively. I think creating grim looking adverts in reference to the elderly will only reinforce peoples opinions that being old IS grim. If it's more colourful it should also be more eye catching to passers by. This will be difficult but I feel like with enough drawing I should be able to somehow pull it off. 

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