Friday 30 December 2016

Gif testing

In preparation for my animated web banner/gif, I went back and made a practice gif as I haven't made one for a good year and a half.

 This is very basic, but it's the sort of simple animation I want to use in my final gif; colourful and quick transitions to try and grab the attention of the person surfing the web. It doesn't need to say much. The most important elements to include are the illustration, the 'creativity' and the EqualArts logo. It would be good if I could get the rest of the text in somehow; it will be hard with the long banner format though.

Thursday 22 December 2016

"The Non-Conformist" final digital version

The final digital version for "The Non-Conformist"; I'm really happy with it and slightly prefer it to "The Gardener", as the overlays really work and I think the overall composition is better. The overlays should also work really well when I take it into screenprint!

Thursday 15 December 2016

"The Gardener" final screenprints

These are the four most successful prints out of the stack. Although they are not perfect and the registration slipped on all apart from the white (didn't tighten the screws enough on the print beds!) However, I am really happy with them.

It gives them a much more hand-made and creative feel to them; the whole reason I decided to try screenprinting the posters in the first place, to visually enhance the message I am trying to communicate. I already have the 'perfect' digital version, so it's nice to get something a little different. They also feel really nice in real life to hold - just nice and handmade and much more personal than the digital versions. Screenprinting was definitely a good idea for this project, as it's given it a whole new outlook - like I have finally properly got involved with what I am trying to promote! Doing digital versions felt a bit like creating from a distance. 

Saturday 10 December 2016


After thinking some more about what I have proposed, it just seems a bit stupid. I would rather make less prints at a smaller size than A2, and as a result the prints be better as I can commit more time to them. Quality, NOT quantity! There will be other people trying to use the print facilities so it's better to make the project simple in case of queueing emergencies.


3 x A3 screenprints (digital versions can remain A2) 
Consistent colour scheme across the whole project (yellow, turquoise, pink)
Print onto various coloured stock
3 x animated gifs/posters (simple!!!)
New design for 'campaign page' on EqualArts website - mock up
Billboard mockups - static and moving
Flyer/postcard mockups
Design boards

This makes everything much more doable and hopefully give me time to make everything much better quality. I really want these screenprints to turn out nice! Making them A3 makes the printing process so much easier, as I can use smaller screens and probably less of them.

Friday 9 December 2016

"The Gardener" - initial digital designs and practice mockup

These are my two undecided versions for the final poster for "The Gardener". The only difference is the slight change in colour for the green/turquoise type. I can’t work out if turquoise gets a bit lost, or green makes it all look a bit too messy.

I'm really happy with the font choice (Futura) but a graphic designer has advised me that it is a bit sharp; I don't really know what to do about this, as I like it. I'll ask some more people and see what they think.

Now I need to separate all the coloured layers into solid black versions ready for screenprinting; this shouldn't take too long as I've labelled them as I've gone along as Green, Yellow or Pink. 

Handwritten type development - "creativity"

I want to have the word "creativity" standing out from the rest of the type on the poster, to really get across the message and have more of an impact on the viewer - it's the most important bit that needs to jump out. I also want it to be handwritten, as it has more of a creative feel to it and further enhances the message of the advert. I like the idea of the type being white on a sort of ink or paint smudge behind it; it's more interesting than just being in a square box or floating on it's own.

As I am rubbish at doing my own handwritten type, I printed off a few fonts I liked from Photoshop and traced over them with ink and brush using a lightbox, to make sure it was straight and not a complete mess (my own handwriting is pretty hard to read). I then used a bigger brush to make the background smudges.

I think the thicker and more solid smudges will work better - too much texture might not expose and wont print properly. A sans serif font works better as the rest of the type is Futura (also sans serif); it would all be a bit too different and messy otherwise with all the colour.

final choice

Thursday 8 December 2016

Colours - testing overlays

I have decided to use this colour scheme throughout all three screenprinted designs. This decision has come after re-evaluating how possible it would be to create three designs all with separate colour schemes in the time left. It would be doable but just completely daft - setting a task too hard when it could be simpler and have the same effect. It will also help the posters run more effectively as a set, something I believe is important for the campaign to be properly recognisable and have a solid effect.

I tried other schemes, but this is my favourite by far. I tested the overlays using the 'multiply' function on Photoshop, as this is the most accurate way to see how the inks will lay over each other when actually screenprinting. It also gives me access to three more colours!

It is bright, bold, positive and fairly gender neutral when the overlayed colours are considered. It makes for an eye catching campaign and something a little different compared to normal charity adverts!

Other stuff I tried and don't like:
Don't like the yellow/blue overlay
Alright but orange makes sections too dark

Nice but not right for the campaign
Nice but orange feels weird

Save for another project!!!!

A list to clear my head

My head is a bit full of stuff I need to think about so I'm going to write it all down.

What I need to do in 5 weeks:

  • Finish poster designs
  • Create handwritten type for part of posters
  • Decide on colour swatches (3 colours, use yellow in all?)
  • Test colour overlays
  • Separate coloured layers into solid black versions ready for each layer of the screenprint
  • Go to digital print (drop off memory stick) and print A2 sized solid black positives
  • Prep and expose screens (6 x A1?! 2 layers per screen...)
  • Screenprint posters
  • Finalise digital versions ready for gif
  • Make gif/web banner
  • Mock up web pages
  • Mock up physical adverts e.g. bus shelters, shop windows, train adverts etc.
  • Final presentation boards
  • Final presentation of physical posters

It's doable, but it's going to be mental.

To make printing easier, they are all going to have yellow as a common colour (maybe even all 3 the same colours?) so I can print the yellow layers for more than one poster at one time, as there will be 2 layers per screen.

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Character Development

This is a summary of my sketchbook development for the three elderly characters. 

I have worked out that if I stopped focusing on the fact they are old, I won't draw them so they look old. Sounds stupid, but it's what has really worked in helping me depict them in a positive and unpatronising way. I just drew what I thought a gardener looks like, then went back and added elderly characteristics, such as laughter lines and a beard. They do need some elderly features to be able to communicate the right message!

I am really happy with the final pencil drawings, ready to be taken into Photoshop to add colour and then turn into screenprint positives. Drawing the final versions large scale will help make sure nothing is blurry when they are sized up to A2 - they are pretty much A3 already so will be perfect for the screenprints. 

Working with shape will allow for great screenprinting as well. I really feel like I am starting to crack drawing using shape; I can see my drawings transforming and developing at a rate they never have before! It's satisfying. 

Thursday 24 November 2016

Practical Response - whacky creative old people INSPIRATION

Leonora Carrington
Salvadore Dali

Iris Apfel
Yayoi Kusama

Practical Response - Change of plan


I've known I wanted to make a set of posters, but struggling to come up with a solid theme. I was faffing around with the idea of "You Used To Be...", using older peoples hobbies and careers as an idea (when I go in to meet them at Henpower). This was based on a resident I used to know called Michael, who got very annoyed when people said "you used to be a vet didn't you?"; he is still a qualified vet, just not practising any more, and would get cross and point at his vet certificate on the wall. 

This is an ok idea but i can't get on board with it and hate everything I've drawn so far, which isn't a lot anyway.

NOW I'm thinking I could use the quote "Memory diminishes but imagination remains" that I found on the EqualArts ethos page. I might change "imagination" for "creativity" and create a set of posters, billboard mockups, animated gifs acting as website banners and a rough campaign page for EqualArts, on the importance of having creative sessions for the elderly with dementia. I feel much more excited about this idea and have more visual ideas kicking around my head already without drawing anything (I will start drawing now).

I don't know if I will have to email them and ask permission to do this, as I've already been in contact with them asking questions for research? Will have to check this.

Primary Research - EqualArts answered my questions!

Nichola (who I have been in contact with) kindly offered to answer some questions for me, when I asked if there would be anyone available at EqualArts. Some of the answers are interesting and will be great to use in the HenPower case study in the essay, especially when backing up the social side of the argument. It's also nice to gather some research of my own, rather than just looking at other peoples papers and articles. 

I do wish I had managed to get more about the availability of creative sessions for the elderly in NHS run care facilities; maybe i should try and find someone from the NHS to ask?! They might not like it, but it's worth a shot. 

Primary Research - talking to Henpower

This is where I've got to get to on Tuesday for the creative session with Henpower I've chosen to do. It's far away and I wish I had a car, but hey ho!

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Initial Roughs and Sketches

I am really stuck as to what to do for the practical. I have been doodling old people in the hope that something will spring up but at the moment my brain isn't feeling very creative.

I really don't like these drawings. They make the elderly look small and weak; EXACTLY WHAT I DON'T WANT TO HAPPEN! I need to find a way to draw them without making them look awful. If the drawing shows them as negative then the overall message will be negative.

I have a sort of idea from a quote I found on the EqualArts website; "memory may diminsh, yet imagination remains". This has really stuck with me for some reason. I have started to think down the creativity route instead of 'old' and wrote down some creative activities to try and get the ball rolling. 

Sensory Stimulation - Virtual Reality for The Elderly

An interesting idea when talking about sensory stimulation - it is definitely not a creative therapy, but a more viable option for those who may not have the money or ability to access a Snoezelenroom. 

I could also bring in something to do with new technology working for older people; could it tie together old and young generations and bridge the gap a little more? SOCIETY STUFF

Primary Research - Questions for EqualArts

Nichola, who I have been in contact with about volunteering, said she is happy for me to ask her some questions about EqualArts and the benefits of creative therapies. These are what I am going to ask her:

1. Why do you think it is important for the elderly to have access to creative organisations such as the Hen Power Project?

2. Do you think there is enough opportunity for elderly people to take part in creative sessions in most NHS funded care homes? 

3. Do you think more should be done for the elderly to be able to take part in creative sessions, both in care homes and in local communities?

4. Are there specific areas of the UK which are more likely to have little opportunity for the elderly?

4. What do you think of current societal views of the older generation, especially those with dementia?

5. Why should we, the younger generation, care for the wellbeing and happiness of the older generation?

6. Do you think the elderly still have something to contribute to society? If so, how could creative workshops assist with this? 

Primary Research - EqualArts

Due to some lost emails, slow replies and difficulties getting my references back to EqualArts and the Hen Power Project, I am seriously running out of time to go and get some research done actually in creative workshops. I still really want to do this to get some good drawings for the practical side of the project, but I have come up with a sort of plan B just incase. 

I was thinking I could just ask some questions about their ethos, why they think creative sessions are important for the elderly (in particular dementia sufferers) and comparisons of availability of workshops like this in various places over the UK (and maybe their opinions on the NHS vs. Private availability of therapies?). They could also maybe give me some examples of positive cases where the projects have really helped certain individuals, even if they are unnamed.

Equine Facilitated Human Development - IFEAL

I was sent a link about a new psychotherapy that is still being developed and trying to be brought into mainstream healthcare; it is completely weird, but really interesting. I don't know if I will be able to use it yet, but who knows!

Equine Facilitated Human Development:

  • Non-verbal approach of feedback of how a person is really feeling and thinking
  • Horses are hypersensitive and can read human body language a lot better than we can
  • They will react according to how the person is thinking and feeling
  • People go and chill out with a free-range herd of horses
  • "Horses, when free to choose, will react with 100% engagement when a persons actions, words and thoughts are aligned with authentic feeling" - the horses will respond when the person is being honest about how they are feeling through their actions - not hiding anything?
  • "Working with horses directly enables a person to understand and accept how often unconscious thoughts and feelings get in the way of our actions"
"Returns the person to their original power of the Authentic Self" 
Authentic Self = being yourself, not stifled by fear of judgement

"How To Discover Your Authentic Self And Live The Life You Really Want"

Monday 21 November 2016

Santa Forgot - Alzheimer's Research UK

This is an advert that was shown to us today in a session for another module; it's a great example of how dementia (specifically Alzheimer's) awareness can be advertised in a captivating and interesting way. It is emotional, yet not in a way that is really obviously grim and depressing. The storyline has tapped into something we all know and find nostalgic - Santa Claus - and used it to evoke emotion and make you really think about how the disease affects people, and how research could somehow find a cure. Most importantly, it has done it without patronising the subject in question!

Some of the lines from the narration and visual symbols really stood out to me, including...
  • "Someone was missing. Tucked away, and forgotten".
  • "He seemed sad, distant and afraid".
  • "But Freya didn't believe the story ended there".
  • "I believe in you". (Cheesy but relevant)
  • Holding hands
  • On his own; loneliness
IN A NUTSHELL: The little girl didn't want to believe that Santa was over; she still believes he has something to give and that we should still care about him, even though he is suffering from the disease; his legacy lives on and should not be forgotten. Showing him someone cared made the world of difference. 

This is EXACTLY the sort of thing I want to communicate in my posters, and show that people suffering from the disease are still valuable and what they have contributed to society today has not been forgotten.

Friday 18 November 2016

Japanese elderly and quality of life

"Effects of Functional Decline on Quality of Life Amongst Japanese Elderly" Tatsuto Asakawa/Wataru Koyano/Takatoshi Ando/Hiroshi Shibata, 2000, International Journal of Ageing and Human Development Vol.50, Baywood Publishing Co. Inc., New York

  • "The subjects who experienced functional decline showed a larger decrease in the number of relatives, friends, and neighbours having frequent contacts, a larger decline in life satisfaction, and a larger increase in depression than those without functional decline. The results seem to confirm further the importance of functional health status as a prerequisite for higher quality of life in old age." (pg.319)
  • "Subjects were 692 Japanese elderly, aged sixty-five years or older, with high functional capacity at baseline. During a two-year period of follow-up, 12.3 percent of the subjects experienced functional decline." (pg.319)
  • "Koyano, Okamura, Ando, Hasegawa, and Asakawa (1995) observed the effects of functional health status on a number of socio-psychological variables and found that functional capacity was a powerful factor in maintaining meaningful interactions with others, time use, leisure activity, positive health-perception, and life satisfaction." (pg.320)
  • "A ten-year longitudinal study on functional capacity suggested that maintaining the level of social activity might be helpful in maintaining functional capacity." (pg.320)
  • "Quality of life in old age can be defined in various ways. The size of social networks, life satisfaction, and depression used as the criterion variables in this study were indicators of, at least, some aspects of quality of everyday life in old age. Age, gender, health, and socioeconomic status are well-known predictors of these indicators of quality of life." (pg.325)

"Relationships between Depression, Lifestyle and Quality of Life in the Community Dwelling Elderly: A Comparison between Gender and Age Groups" Shinichi Demura/Susumu Sato, 2003, Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science

  • "In 2025, the old-old population (75 years or over) is expected to increase to about 13% of the total Japanese population. In Japan, it is expected that sustaining welfare and health services for the old-old elderly will become an important problem awaiting a solution." (pg.1)
  • "Increasing the number of friends suggests a decrease the highdepression symptom. A social network is an important factor in the QOL level of the elderly". (pg.6)
  • "The Japanese elderly receive social support in the form of family, relatives, friends and neighbours. Therefore, most elderly supported by friends may also receive social support from family and relatives. In any case, receiving social support from others is considered to lead to a decrease in depression in the elderly". (pg.6)
  • "The study indicated that the old-old elderly with a high functional ability to perform advanced activities of daily living (AADL) and who had leisure and vocational activities, showed lower depression levels." (pg.6)